Are you tired of trying to figure out what is the financial department dealing with or what is it exactly that your accountant is doing for you? Would you like to know what stands behind complicated terms like “factoring”, “Profit and Loss Statement”, “Consolidated Financial Statement” and many others? Then it is time to visit our training for non-finance professionals and learn that financial information is prepared and summarised so that YOU can make informed decisions. MDV Professional Education is offering you the opportunity to enrich your knowledge in finance and accounting and put them into good use in your everyday work.
This course is designed to teach you how to apply efficient financial management as well as managing risk. It aims to provide you with solid understanding of working capital management and financing, investment decisions, valuations and managing risk with hands on experience in applying them in practice. The training will be of benefit to anyone who needs to apply Financial Management and Analysis in day-to-day tasks and projects. It is suitable for finance professionals, accountants and analysts.
If you are a professional responsible for preparing and negotiating a budget, a financial analysts involved in forecasting financial information or a retail or brand manager responsible for a portfolio of products then or you hold any other position that involves budget allocation and planning, than this is the perfect training for you. After this course you will be able to uunderstand the role of budgeting in the context of the business planning process, prepare budgets, budgetary control and variances analysis and you will find alternative approaches to budgeting for control.
The purpose of his course is to help participants acquire skills and knowledge in the field of management accounting and to understand the practical techniques for quantitative and qualitative information for planning, decision-making, assessment and control. The theoretical part in the classes is very well-backed by real life cases that help the students absorb the material. This makes explanations of methods and concepts much more effective, memorable and engaging.
This course will give you an up-to-date perspective on the latest trends in the International Standards for Financial Reporting. It is suitable for professionals who understand the structure of the framework of international accounting and are aware how to prepare group financial statements – including subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures. It will help you understand how to apply relevant financial reporting standards to key elements of financial reports. You will find out how to identify and apply disclosure requirements for companies in financial reports and notes. Course is held originally in English but translation in Bulgarian will be available.
If you will be working with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) or you are already a practitioner and wish to confirm your knowledge, if you want to know more about their application in Bulgaria or if you are simply interested in the topic then this course is perfect for you. The classes are held in Bulgarian language and provide an in-depth understanding of the IFRS through problem solving and case studies. Your tutor will guide you through the specifics of IFRS and IAS and help you clarify their implications over the business as well as the regulatory framework.